How Much Does a Toy Poodle Grow?
In our breeding we pay great attention to the selection of our puppies and the growth of our poodles.
The knowledge of the genetic lines, the breed and the rigorous scientific approach in the care and breeding of the poodle, allows us to predict with a small margin of error the size of our small poodle puppy as an adult.
In this graph you can see how in the small poodle a stable weight and height is reached in the first year of age and already in the first 7 months of life almost 90% of the growth phase of our puppy is reached, with rapid growth in the first 7 months and then reaching a plateau immediately after.
For this reason the professional breeder is able to guarantee the final height and weight of a puppy coming from their own genetic lines.
The mini-toy poodle
The mini-toy poodle is by definition an undersized poodle, meaning a poodle whose height at the withers is less than 23 cm. Sometimes the word teacup or pocket is also used, meaning a poodle whose size is such that it can fit in a teacup or a jacket pocket.
Can a mini-toy poodle have a pedigree?
Of course it can and must have a pedigree. According to the ENCI FCI standard, breeding subjects (stallions and mares respectively) must pass the size confirmation after the first year of age by an ENCI judge at a national or international exhibition event.
In order to be admitted for breeding, a dog must possess all the exhibition requirements (including correct mouth closure, 6+6 incisors, and a height greater than 23 cm to comply with the ENCI standard). From this it only follows that a subject of height less than 23 cm cannot be admitted to reproduction.
This does not take away the fact that undersized puppies can still be born from toy poodles and these are equipped with a regular and official pedigree.
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