The character of the poodle?
When you are looking for a dog as a life companion, you usually go and see what the peculiar characteristics of each breed are.
Let’s analyze what are the peculiarities of the poodle’s character. What are its peculiar traits?

What is the character of the poodle?
The Poodle has a dynamic, enterprising, affable and adaptable character.
Its strong emotional intelligence makes it a versatile and highly sought-after breed. It is important to know the origins on which the breed bases its potential because it is possible to better understand some typical attitudes and predispositions that must be protected and maintained as a distinctive trait. In the case of the Bourbon, for example, its duck retrieval instinct would explain the particular desire to satisfy the human reference on the one hand and its predatory instinct on the other, particularly concentrated in the giant size.
In fact, historically the Poodle is a dog breed of French origin, historically appreciated for its dynamic, enterprising, affable and adaptable character. Its strong emotional intelligence makes it a versatile and highly sought-after companion.
In the past, thanks to its nose and predisposition for water, the Poodle was used in duck hunting as a water retriever; its French name “Caniche” derives from “canard”, which means “duck”.
Its origins as a working dog also justify its high level of intelligence, since it is currently the second most intelligent breed in terms of obedience immediately after the border collie.
The poodle is a dog that over time has greatly refined its attachment to the human reference. The tendency to humanization has made it very loyal and faithful to the representation that breeders have placed as a condition of identification of the dog.

Subjected to beauty contests and exhibitions, the poodle has become a proud dog, aware of its peculiar aesthetic characteristics and conveys in its curious and regal nature, elegance and unrivaled charm.